Thank You!

A great big thank you to all those who supported this project! Whether it’s gifts in kind, sponsorship or a boost in moral support – your words, actions, contributions made this project become reality. Thank you for your generosity,  your time, your love. This project could not be completed without your help.

Ukrainian Reading Association
“PROSVITA” Winnipeg
Zorianna & Eugene
Hyworon Foundation
Ucrainica Research Institute
Ukrainian Reading Association
“PROSVITA” Winniepg
Centre for Ukrainian
Canadian Studies
MML Inc.
Sylvie Monette

Ukrainian Credit Union Limited (Toronto)
Ukrainian Professional & Business Foundation Inc. (Winnipeg)
UNFederation – Montreal Branch
Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
Dr. Ulana Kawun & Michael Karst
Ukrainian Credit Union Limited
Oksana Rozumna
Vera Hrycenko

Prof. Orest Cap
Alexander Cap
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada, Parish of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, Montreal
Dr. Andrey Cybulsky & Daria Trojan
Prof. Ireneus Zuk

Central Products & Foods Limited / Jerry Derzko
Dr. Walter Lebedin
Dr. Martha Shepertycky
Halyna Kravtchouk
Pedro Duszara
Ukrainian War Veterans’ Association of Canada
Peter and Olga Savaryn
Dr. Adrian Hawaleshka

Dr. Mark McRae
Mrs. Olga Dziubaniwsky
Ms. Irena Bell
Lili Mospan-Hayduk & Walter Hajduk
Dr. Taras Konanec & Natalia Hrycay
Dr. Alexander Melnyk & Mrs. Claudia Melnyk
Mrs. Nadia Olynyk
Dr. Julia Woychyshyn
Susan Railer
Ms. Barbara Tetrault

Recovery Room Film Credits
(as appears in the film)

Yurij Luhovy
Zorianna Hrycenko
Adriana Luhovy
Videographer/Sound recording
Adriana Luhovy

Recording Voice Overs
Bernard Beninger – Studio Fast Forward

Voice Overs
Joseph Bohbot
Erica Stante

Music Composer
Roman Luhovy
Thor Antonov
Script Editor
Oksana Rozumna

Sound Effects Editor
Anton Blashchuk – Soundplant Studio

Dialogue Editor / Mixer
Roman Luhovy
Video Archival Research
Yurij Luhovy
Adriana Luhovy
Photo Collections
Tom Daams
Vadym Haydyn

Dmytro Yaniv
Oleh Vysochanskyy
Nazar Derzhylo

Adriana Luhovy
Edouard Malovanyy
Ivanka Siolkowsky
Haling Tereshchuk

Serhiy Veremko 
Photo Animation
Yurij Luhovy
Anna Putilova
Jensen Chen
Jason Chau
Adriana Luhovy


Daryl Naumova

Television archives
Kanal 5
Olha Klimachova, Yulia Malsteva
Babylon 13
Sviatoslav Yurash, Ihor Ivanko
Denis Vorontsov, Marko Suprun
Ukrainian Armed Forces Television
Oleksandr Anatolych, Alexandr Motuzyanik
Y.O. Xolodna
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
Martins Zvaners, Maryana Drach
Vladislav Yatskiv, Oleh Hnatyuk
Vice News / Vice Media
Simon Ostrovsky, Michael Kronish
Hollister Baffert, Vick Kelsey
Espreso TV
Vasyl Ryabchuk, Valeria Cerheyeva
Eugene Panyuta
Euromaidan PR, War Clashes
TubeLeaks, Bee, SPK8325
Private Video Collections
Oleh Vysochanskyy

Roman Ilchyshyn
Vadym Hadyn
Lubomyr Markevych
Canada Ukraine Foundation
Victor Zubritskyj
Ivan Lubysh-Kirdey
Ryan Anderson
Lyalya Horsky
Boston Marathon
Johannes Andersen
Ukrainian Revolution
Ivan Lubysh-Kirdey
Marko Suprun
Additional Music “Plyve Kacha”
Pikkardiyska Tertsiya
Financial Support Institutions
Taras Shevchenko Foundation, Winnipeg
Ukrainian Reading Association “Prosvita”, Winnipeg
Caisse Populaire Desjardins Ukrainienne de Montréal
Buduchnist Credit Union Foundation, Toronto
Zorianna & Eugene Hyworon Foundation, Winnipeg
Canada Ukraine Foundation, Toronto
Ucrainica Research Institute, Toronto
UCPBA of Calgary
UCPB Club Foundation of Winnipeg
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League, Montreal
Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League, Winnipeg
Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd, Toronto
Ukrainian National Federation, Montreal
Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies
Central Products and Foods Ltd, Winnipeg
Papeterie Harvard Reg., Montreal
and others
Financial Support Individuals
Sylvie Monette
Orest Cap
Alexander Cap
Halyna Kravtchouk
Ulana Kawun
Dr. Oleh Antonyshyn
Martha Shepertycky
Adrian Hawaleshka
Walter Lebedyn
and others
Special Thanks
MML Inc.
Canada Ukraine Foundation
Sylvie Monette & KPMG
Virginia Dronova
Khrystyna Brodych
Larysa Rozumna
Yulia Dolyba
Oksana Horoshchuk
Vera Hrycenko
Pedro Duszara
Istan Rozumny
Larysa Zariczniak
Laryssa Hetmanczuk
Mariya Berlinska
Nadiya Pereviznyk
Yana Kreminska
Katerina Prystupa
Arak Markaryan
Sahan Markaryan
Anka Wrzesnewkyj-Cottrell
Jerry Derzko
Artem Luhovy
Andrew Mazepa
Don Royer
Kostyantyn Mykhalchenko